Selling Real Estate is Changing

By Mark | Real Estate

The face of real estate has changed over the years. But some things remain very much the same. Sellers still want the very best price for their homes which is natural, and buyers still want the lowest possible price which is also natural.That is partly why real estate agents are still employed. What does a good […]

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Market Update Oct 2016

By Mark | Real Estate

The real estate market Auckland wide has lost some momentum over the last month or so. I am seeing fewer people through the open homes, but there are still keen buyers looking for a home. The average 3 bedroom home in October in Te Atatu Peninsula is $951,818, which is down .5% from the month […]

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Market Update Sept 2016

By Mark | Real Estate

A few words from Peter Thompson The combination of tighter mortgage lending restrictions and perceptions that residential property is fully priced continues to slow Auckland housing activity. “With the arrival of Spring, housing activity normally lifts, but it has not been the case this year. “Rather, the market continued the trend which first showed in […]

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Market Update August 2016

By Mark | Market Update

This from Peter Thompson Auckland house prices continued to rise in August, but signs the rate of increase is slowing – which first showed up in July – were still present. “August’s price increase was restrained, for both the average price and the median price,” said Peter Thompson, Managing Director of Barfoot & Thompson. “The […]

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How a Buyer Determines Value

By Mark | Real Estate

If you want to sell your house there are only two things to consider when determining value. If we can put on the buyer’s shoes for just a second, it will help a lot.To make things easier let’s consider buying a new car. How do we shop for a new car? We work out what we […]

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Market Update JULY 2016

By Mark | Real Estate

The housing market is undergoing a few changes as it grapples with the new LVR (Loan to value ratio) rules that the Reserve Bank of New Zealand has put in place. The stock of houses has been tight for a few months but more seems to be coming on the market now. Where it all […]

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Market Update FEB 2016

By Mark | Real Estate

Henderson Creek At the very centre of any market is supply and demand, and houses are no exception to this natural law of economics. Migration into Auckland remains strong and also a natural migration from the high priced markets of Auckland, to less expensive and still attractive markets like Tauranga. Aucklanders are getting great bang for their buck […]

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How to Buy a House in New Zealand

By Mark | Real Estate

This article is written more for those new to buying in New Zealand, but may be helpful to a wider audience. Nеw Zеаlаnd іѕ оnе оf the mоѕt bеаutіful соuntrіеѕ in the wоrld and оwnіng a hоuѕе thеrе іѕ the dream оf mаnу. Buуіng a hоuѕе іѕ a dіffісult and time-consuming рrосеѕѕ, nо mаttеr which […]

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